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"Unexpected Hero" Release!

I suppose I can officially share this with everyone now! (I know, about time, right?) I just got done submitting my newest release, "Unexpected Hero" to iTunes, Google Play, and all those fun internet download sites, and it should be up for listening within the next couple weeks (possibly less)! I'll keep ya'll updated. The physical copies are still a few weeks out, so I'll also let you guys know when those will be available for purchase on my website: This project was the most fun one to date! I spent a lot of time perfecting EVERYTHING, so it's primo stuff. But I couldn't have done it without the help of my recording engineer, Charlie Kuchler, and the artist who I'm going to have to start paying a salary, Gary Eckerson! Without you, this album would have never came to fruition! Look out for this album. I think you're going to like it. TH

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