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The Devil's in the Details

Take Me Back to the Beach


[Verse 1]
There are shimmers in the waves
Flashing bright blue green
He's the most beautiful creature
I've ever seen
With his long blond hair and
Tempting brown eyes
And if I leave I won't want to live
To see the sunrise

They tell me I better quit dreaming
To rise and shine
But what do they know?
I prefer calypso and sunshine

Take me back to the beach
Where the surf meets the sand
Where the sun is so hot
It melts the drink in my hand
Give me a chance to prove
This is where I should be
Take me back to the beach
Or bring the beach back to me

[Verse 2]
The city is madness
I can't seem to stay there too long
Since I found paradise
Where I know I belong
In my mind's eye
I see the rolling waves
The margaritas that cool me
And let me misbehave

They tell me I better quit dreaming
To rise and shine
But what do they know?
I prefer calypso and sunshine

Take me back to the beach
Where the surf meets the sand
Where the sun is so hot
It melts the drink in my hand
Give me a chance to prove
This is where I should be
Take me back to the beach
Or bring the beach back to me

Take me back to the beach
Where the surf meets the sand
Where the sun is so hot
It melts the drink in my hand
Give me a chance to prove
This is where I should be
Take me back to the beach
Or bring the beach back to me

Take me back to the beach
Or bring the beach back to me


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[Verse 1]
I see Jupiter, Venus and Mars
The Milky Way and other millions of stars
A brilliant moon gives me cause to hope
Things I see through my telescope
Things I see through my telescope

[Verse 2]
I see Saturn and her radiant rings
I see galaxies and so many things
A computer trying to count them could never cope
Things I see through my telescope
Things I see through my telescope

I can't help but marvel at the beauty I see
These celestial wonders sure do have a hold on me
No I can't run, I can't get away
But then why would I want to?
I've got a perfect view just light-years away

[Verse 3]
A small cluster of stars catches my eye
The Seven Sisters smile and then say goodbye
The stunning lunar eclipse sure does push the envelope
Things I see through my telescope
Things I see through my telescope

[Verse 4]
The inviting night sky draws me in deep
It roars to life while the rest of the world sleeps
My head spins with wonder, something like a gyroscope
Things I see through my telescope
Things I see through my telescope

I can't help but marvel at the beauty I see
These celestial wonders sure do have a hold on me
No I can't run, I can't get away
But then why would I want to?
I've got a perfect view just light-years away

[Verse 5]
A bright shooting star comes into view
Lasting no more than a second or two
The Orion Nebula, colors swirl like a kaleidoscope
Things I see through my telescope
Things I see through my telescope

I can't help but marvel at the beauty I see
These celestial wonders sure do have a hold on me
No I can't run, I can't get away
But then why would I want to?
I've got a perfect view just light-years away

But then why would I want to?
I've got a perfect view just light-years away


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The Ballad Of Captain Moody


Captain Moody and his crew
Sailed into the “Rising Sun”
With a crew of only a hundred men
And a hell of a lot less guns
The cannons did thunder
Jolly roger it flew
They were swashbuckling pirates
With nothing to lose

[Verse 1]
South of the equator
The Captain sailed along
Trusting his rusty compass
The charts they could be wrong
Coral reefs he swayed and bowed
But promised not to quit
The more they sailed
The more they loved
The waves the bow did hit

Captain Moody and his crew
Sailed into the “Rising Sun”
With a crew of only a hundred men
And a hell of a lot less guns
The cannons did thunder
Jolly roger it flew
They were swashbuckling pirates
With nothing to lose

[Verse 2]
From the coast of Carolina
To the Gulf of Mexico
No lives were spared, you’d walk the plank
Whether you be friend or foe
Batten down the hatches
A storm be coming soon
Shipwrecked we’ll be upon the rocks
At the gate of no return

Captain Moody and his crew
Sailed into the “Rising Sun”
With a crew of only a hundred men
And a hell of a lot less guns
The cannons did thunder
Jolly roger it flew
They were swashbuckling pirates
With nothing to lose

[Verse 3]
With parrot on his shoulder
And sword held in his hand
Captain Moody led his men
On foot up to the sand
Fate it loves the fearless
Just what the pirates were
The life of a pirate will always be
To pillage and plunder

Captain Moody and his crew
Sailed into the “Rising Sun”
With a crew of only a hundred men
And a hell of a lot less guns
The cannons did thunder
Jolly roger it flew
They were swashbuckling pirates
With nothing to lose

Captain Moody and his crew
Sailed into the “Rising Sun”
With a crew of only a hundred men
And a hell of a lot less guns
The cannons did thunder
Jolly roger it flew
They were swashbuckling pirates
With nothing to lose

With nothing to lose
Nothing to lose
Nothing to lose


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The Coconut Kid And The Island Pixie


[Verse 1]
The Coconut Kid and the Island Pixie
One named Sid, the other Trixie
Set their sails for sea in haste
Not knowing the peril they’d face
The waves grew taller, the sky turned gray
Their boat began to dip and sway

[Verse 2]
The wind blew hard as Hurricane Dixie
Made its way toward Sid and Trixie
And forced their little boat to stray
Farther and farther away
A leak sprang up, all hope was lost
They’d wanted fun, but at what cost?

The Coconut Kid and the Island Pixie
Lost their boat to a storm named Dixie
Swam for their lives in the middle of the sea
Sittin’ on the beach just a-waiting for me

[Verse 3]
The two castaways were lost but survived
The storm moved on but their misfortune thrived
Their boat was torn to smithereens
No way home by any means
They looked around, Sid’s panic fled
“That’s land I see!” Coconut said

[Verse 4]
They reached the sand, relieved they made it
It wasn’t bad they had to admit
The palm trees swayed against the breeze
The water lapped the shore with ease
“Come on, Trixie,” Sid shrieked with glee
“Let’s go explore this novelty!”

The Coconut Kid and the Island Pixie
Lost their boat to a storm named Dixie
Swam for their lives in the middle of the sea
Sittin’ on the beach just a-waiting for me

[Verse 5]
Three days passed on the tranquil isle
Getting used to their new lifestyle
The pair of pioneers explored
Their boredom had finally been cured
An engine roared, a boat appeared
Near the seashore, closer it steered

[Verse 6]
Captain Steve yelled to them on shore
Their shipwreck had been hard to ignore
He invited them to board his ship
Where they could join him on his homebound trip
The duo sighed, reluctantly
They boarded, and put out to sea

The Coconut Kid and the Island Pixie
Lost their boat to a storm named Dixie
Swam for their lives in the middle of the sea
Sittin’ on the beach just a-waiting for me

[Verse 7]
The Coconut Kid and the Island Pixie
One named Sid, the other Trixie
Dove off the boat into the surf
Heading toward their sandy turf
Leaving the boat back in their wake
Captain thought they’d made a grave mistake

[Verse 8]
Sid and Trixie for three fine long years
Have lived on that island with little fears
If you stumble across their paradise
Like I have done now once or twice
You’ll see that pair happy as they seem
Not a care in the world, simply living their dream

The Coconut Kid and the Island Pixie
Lost their boat to a storm named Dixie
Swam for their lives in the middle of the sea
Sittin’ on the beach just a-waiting for me

Sittin’ on the beach just a-waiting for me
Sittin’ on the beach just a-waiting for me
They’ve been stranded on their island and they’re doing just fine


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The Devil's in the Details


[Verse 1]
If walls could talk
Don't you think they would?
Even they wouldn't be able to resist
A scandal or a tale
News can be
Just pick apart which pieces to share
And rumors
Rumors become stale

Your best bet would be to keep your thoughts to yourself
Seal your lips up tight and throw away the key
It's a jungle out there
It's every man for himself
You'd better watch your back
You'd better watch what you share
The devil's in the details
[Verse 2]
Don't you look at me
In that tone of voice
As tempting as the grapevine can be
It only causes strife
Talk is cheap
If the price is nice
Either live and let live or learn fast
That words can
Words can cut like a knife

Your best bet would be to keep your thoughts to yourself
Seal your lips up tight and throw away the key
It's a jungle out there
It's every man for himself
You'd better watch your back
You'd better watch what you share
The devil's in the details

Dark closets harbor skeletons
Why shake them up like sunken ships?
What good could come from waking what is dead?
Tighten up your reckless lips

Your best bet would be to keep your thoughts to yourself
Seal your lips up tight and throw away the key
It's a jungle out there
It's every man for himself
You'd better watch your back
You'd better watch what you share
The devil's in the details

Your best bet would be to keep your thoughts to yourself
Seal your lips up tight and throw away the key
It's a jungle out there
It's every man for himself
You'd better watch your back
You'd better watch what you share
The devil's in the details

The devil's in the details
The devil's in the details
The devil's in the details


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The Music Of The Islands


[Verse 1]
It’s the song that’s heard throughout the land
A song that’s sung without a band
Hear them start to sing once the sun goes down
Listen to the melody, it’s all around

It’s the music of the islands
You couldn’t stop it if you tried
It’s not the kind you’re used to, no
Nature brings it in with the tide

[Verse 2]
The days are short, the nights are long
Rain drops fall on the palm fronds
The boats go fishing, the tide comes in
Grab your fishing pole and a bottle of gin

It’s the music of the islands
You couldn’t stop it if you tried
It’s not the kind you’re used to, no
Nature brings it in with the tide

The sun so bright
It warms the skin
Lighthouse at night
The fog rolls in

[Verse 3]
The calm blowing winds make the green grass sway
And the tropical fish swim around in the bay
Calypso sounds flowing from a steel pan
Come walk with me across the warm pink sand

It’s the music of the islands
You couldn’t stop it if you tried
It’s not the kind you’re used to, no
Nature brings it in with the tide

It’s the music of the islands
You couldn’t stop it if you tried
It’s not the kind you’re used to, no
Nature brings it in with the tide

Well it’s not the kind you’re used to, no
Nature brings it in with the tide


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The Other Side Of The Universe


More than the stars and constellations in the sky
More than the moon and the sun that’s rising high
I’ve been taken ahold by some gravitational force
I love you to the other side of the universe

[Verse 1]
Walls go up and walls come down
Our two worlds are spinning around
The grass is greener on the other side
On this world we’ll take a ride

More than the stars and constellations in the sky
More than the moon and the sun that’s rising high
I’ve been taken ahold by some gravitational force
I love you to the other side of the universe

[Verse 2]
Time stands still when you hold my hand
I never want this moment to end
Please don’t forget me when I leave
The heart is known to deceive

More than the stars and constellations in the sky
More than the moon and the sun that’s rising high
I’ve been taken ahold by some gravitational force
I love you to the other side of the universe

More than the stars and constellations in the sky
More than the moon and the sun that’s rising high
I’ve been taken ahold by some gravitational force
I love you to the other side of the universe


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This One's For You


I’m sitting in an airport
Just waiting for your call
Not knowing where I’m going
This job does take its toll
These silver wings that fly me
To escape these worldly ties
The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes

[Verse 1]
Now France was very stunning
We flamenco danced in Spain
And way down in Jamaica
We didn’t worry about a thing
I’ll see you on the next trip
Maybe a day or two
We’ll have some wine
We’ll feel fine
My love, this one’s for you

Well I’m sitting in an airport
Just waiting for your call
Not knowing where I’m going
This job does take its toll
These silver wings that fly me
To escape these worldly ties
The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes

[Verse 2]
How I love every waking moment
You put a smile on my face
The things you say and do
You’re an angel out of place
Soon we’ll be together
A toast to our success
Under the moon we’ll dine
Oh how the stars do shine
How I’ve missed your sweet caress

Well I’m sitting in an airport
Just waiting for your call
Not knowing where I’m going
This job does take its toll
These silver wings that fly me
To escape these worldly ties
The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes

We’ll meet up on a deserted island
Off the coast of old Peru
We can relax on the warm sand
Until the day is through

[Verse 3]
As I sit here writing this letter
With your picture in my hand
I just can’t wait to see you
Remember that mariachi band?
I have to say goodbye for now
I have to fly out soon
But two days from now
We’ll have a luau
Under that big full moon

Well I’m sitting in an airport
Just waiting for your call
Not knowing where I’m going
This job does take its toll
These silver wings that fly me
To escape these worldly ties
The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes

Well I’m sitting in an airport
Just waiting for your call
Not knowing where I’m going
This job does take its toll
These silver wings that fly me
To escape these worldly ties
The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes

The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes
The next port that I land in
I hope to see your lovely eyes


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To Whom It May Concern


To whom it may concern
I’m falling to pieces
I’m counting on reason
To intervene you see
One day I’m walking on air
The next day I’m unwell
Riding a carousel
Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round

[Verse 1]
There’s a songbird on my windowsill
He’s so misunderstood
He wakes me up every morn’
With the thought of something good
No matter which roads I take
My life is still a tease
Some say it changes directions more
Than the most playful sea breeze

To whom it may concern
I’m falling to pieces
I’m counting on reason
To intervene you see
One day I’m walking on air
The next day I’m unwell
Riding a carousel
Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round

[Verse 2]
So you take a little chance
And then you arrive there at the top
Never knowing if or when
This ride will ever stop
Uncertainty, yeah it really
Is a friend to me
Something in your head tells you
It’s just not meant to be

To whom it may concern
I’m falling to pieces
I’m counting on reason
To intervene you see
One day I’m walking on air
The next day I’m unwell
Riding a carousel
Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round

[Verse 3]
One day you’re looking up
The next day you’re looking down
Oh, won’t somebody help me
With this life that I have found
Nothing ever is
What it appears to be
You just can’t seem to fight it
But you surely can agree

To whom it may concern
I’m falling to pieces
I’m counting on reason
To intervene you see
One day I’m walking on air
The next day I’m unwell
Riding a carousel
Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round

To whom it may concern
I’m falling to pieces
I’m counting on reason
To intervene you see
One day I’m walking on air
The next day I’m unwell
Riding a carousel
Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round

Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round
Head’s spinning ‘round and ‘round and ‘round


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Unexpected Hero


[Verse 1]
I hear you wake up in the morning
Your eyes are swollen, you've been crying
I don't know what you've been fighting
But you are unstoppable

[Verse 2]
You may not realize the strength you hold
Courage is more valuable than gold
Having the nerve to be in control
Of your own little world

It's a bird, it's a plane
It's your unexpected hero
Flew near the sun, and lived to tell the tale
Sometimes you must
Release your alter ego
The hero always prevails

[Verse 3]
You can feel it building up inside
Conquer your fear, you don't need to hide
The more you let go, the higher you rise
To the call

[Verse 4]
With a lion's heart and bird's-eye-view
At the ready, and right on cue
You will emerge out of the blue
To save the day

It's a bird, it's a plane
It's your unexpected hero
Flew near the sun, and lived to tell the tale
Sometimes you must
Release your alter ego
The hero always prevails

Determination can go a long way when stirred
A combination of bravado and one's self assured
Up and away just like the clichés say
Okay, okay, oh hey

It's a bird, it's a plane
It's your unexpected hero
Flew near the sun, and lived to tell the tale
Sometimes you must
Release your alter ego
The hero always prevails

It's your unexpected hero
You lived to tell the tale
Release your alter ego
The hero always prevails


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Voodoo Woman


[Verse 1]
So you come and you go
And you don’t know what’s what
Everybody’s looking
They think you’re a nut
So she sits in a chair
And she don’t have a care
She’s the voodoo woman
From nowhere

[Verse 2]
So she exits the building
And makes a quick right
Up the staircase
And outta sight
She knocks on your door
And you don’t know what for
She’s the voodoo woman
You can’t ignore

She’s the voodoo woman
Who lives ‘round the block
Talk of the town
Three hands on her clock
Time doesn’t matter
No time doesn’t wait
And if you’re not careful
She could seal your fate

[Verse 3]
She’s powerful and famous
Respected by all
Potions, spells, curses
Needles in dolls
You better steer clear
Or you’ll disappear
She’s the voodoo woman
So close and so near

She’s the voodoo woman
Who lives ‘round the block
Talk of the town
Three hands on her clock
Time doesn’t matter
No time doesn’t wait
And if you’re not careful
She could seal your fate

She’s the voodoo woman
Who lives ‘round the block
Talk of the town
Three hands on her clock
Time doesn’t matter
No time doesn’t wait
And if you’re not careful
She could seal your fate

She could seal your fate
She could seal your fate


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Captain Moody
Coconut Kid
The Music of the Islands
Voodoo Woman
Other Side of the Universe
This One's For You
To Whom It May Concern
Unexpected Hero
Take Me Back to the Beach

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